Monday, January 24, 2011

It Takes A Village

It Takes A Village….

The old saying goes It takes a Village to Raise a Child.  The same is true in the Signtronix world.  It takes a village to raise a successful Dealer and it takes an entire country to raise a successful Manager.  While personal determination and self discipline is mandatory to succeed in this business, having a "village" rallying around you can propel you to unimaginable success.

For RM Paul S, his village has the utmost respect and admiration for him and couldn't be more proud for his latest achievement, the Kozell T. Boren Award.  They continue to rally around him because he has continually rallied around each of them.  Paul's wife, Beth, his three children, Ginger, Paul Jr.  And Cinnamon, as well as his seven grandchildren, have stood by him every step of the way.  From his lovely family to his Carolina Panthers to his infinite number of friends and colleagues around the country, Paul will be the first to tell you how much their unconditional support has influenced his success.

Paul's beautiful wife, Beth, said, "Over the past 35+ years, I've seen Paul work through the recessions, work through the good times and succeed regardless.  He keeps on keeping on.  Of all the things he's been through, he gets up every morning, puts a smile on and goes to work.  Paul never lets anything get him down."

The Carolina Panther star DM Bill B said, "Paul has taught me everything that I know about the sign business.  My family and my bank accounts thank Paul and Beth!  They have turned out to be more like parents to me than managers.  I don't know what else to say but thank you.  Paul is always there to lift me up when an unusual day happens, and always respond with, "That was a WAS, we are now working on an IS."  He saw my strengths and allowed me freedom in using my talents to train others to reach their goals.  Paul and Beth will always be family to the B's and are stuck with us!  We love you, Paul."

From the example of Paul S and his Carolina Panthers, you can tell a strong village makes for a strong person.  Recognize your own village and rally around them.  See how you can be a stronger part of the village and in turn you will have a stronger village of your own.  We can fill in the blank with our every goal to finish the line, It takes a village…

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