Sunday, February 27, 2011


Oklahoma Red Hawks

SigntronixRM Richard H would like to announce a change of name for the Tulsa Oilers to the Oklahoma Red Hawks. Richard said, “I’m making the change to infuse a new spirit into my Region.”
The Native Americans revered the bird with sacred qualities. The hawk is a symbol of power in Indian lore; they say whenever you see a hawk nearby, you will have a powerful day. According to Lakota, the hawk’s spirit is responsible for swiftness and stamina.

The Hawk has impeccable vision and patience. With eyesight eight times stronger than that of humans, the hawk is able to scan a vast area in search of high-potential feeding grounds. It carefully chooses where and when to land. The hawk exhibits what Robert Hargrove refers to in Masterful Coaching as “disciplined intensity.” Its focus and mission are evident in every move. The hawk’s intent is clear, and yet it does not appear fierce -- only focused. Hawks model what it means to be observant. Look at your surroundings. Observe the obvious in everything that you do. Life is sending you signals. Be aware! The hawk excels in using available energy, soaring on the winds with little excess motion.

They soar high in the sky, very close to the Spirits. They have the ability to look down and see the big picture, but they can also focus on a tiny little mouse. The Hawk has an amazing ability to adapt and survive in any surroundings or circumstances. They live in rural areas in trees and in cities on top of tall buildings. They hunt along major highways and in country fields.

In Egyptian lore, Isis is said to have shape shifted into a Hawk to save Osiris. Horus carried Hawk medicine which allowed him to see the “unseeable”.

Among Native American traditions, the Hawk is the messenger of change. Hawks reminded the people they needed to be awake and aware and can achieve great things through persistence and sheer strength of will.
Finally, in Native American Indian lore about the seasons of the year, the hawk is the spirit of spring -- the beginning of a new year, with vision, intelligence and action. 

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