Thursday, February 3, 2011

News and Updates

Kansas City Closers

The Signtronix Kansas City Closers “Closed” the year 2009 with style! RM Jim B talked to Steve J at 7:30 am before they both went out to work and Steve said, “Jim, I’m going to get a sale today just before the holiday.” Jim left and lit-up his first customer and sold a set of Model 48 Panels and a pair of 2-line Monochrome EMC’s. While writing up the order, the phone rang and it was Steve J. He was writing up his first lite-up at the same time! Steve wrote a Model 48. Jim said, “Steve reminds me of myself. It does not matter if you call Steve at 6:30am or 6:30pm, he is always working and he puts in his lite-ups. Great Job, Steve.”
Jim is excited about a new guy in the office that just started working in the field. His name is Damien, so watch out for “DAMIEN THE CLOSER!”

DM John S and Jim have recruited two new Closers Patrick and Kirk S. Both of these guys have a tremendous sales background, and they are ready and eager to start their careers with Signtronix. Kirk S was a Gulf salesman many years ago and, after seeing what we have today, Kirk was literally blown away. Watch out for the Kansas City Closers in 2011!

Utah Hawks

Please welcome new Utah Hawks Isaac Ml and Omar M! RM Yvonne Lt said, “I am so eager for their successful future with Signtronix. Isaac and Omar are excited and committed to learning the presentation. They will surely do great things.” We should soon be hearing the ice break in Utah! Good luck, Isaac and Omar.

Sign of the Day Over at Facebook Signtronix

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