Friday, January 21, 2011

Signtronix News Review

Signtronix Arizona Dreamcatchers

The Arizona Dreamcatchers are doing it again! Roland A went into a Bakery that told him they were already working with a local custom sign company. Without getting discouraged, Roland showed them the value of a first-read sign and closed the deal. RM Michael W is excited about Roland's success!

Signtronix Iowa Barnstormers

After a relaxing vacation in Cancun with the other Signtronix Champions, RM Jeff V is ready for a successful year full of hard work, sales and awards!

Signtronix Carolina Panthers

Bill B wrote TEN contracts before RM Paul and Beth S even left for Cancun. You know that means a bonus sign! Great job, Bill! Roger Paul and Scott L worked together for a few short, successful days. They placed two locations with two EMC's and a Model 48! Sam C placed three more locations, two Model 44's and a set of Model 46 Panels! Paul said, "Great work, guys! We're all proud of you!" Please welcome the newest Panther Dealer John H. John is working with Bill and has witnessed multiple orders written. He's definitely ready to make some ice break and great signtronix reviews!

Signtronix Kansas City Closers

The Closers are doing great in 2010. Steve J is HOT right now! He wrote a pair of 6-line RGB's to a Motel, a pair of 3-line Tri-Color boards to a Convenience Store, an LED-60 to a Computer Shop and a Model 48. Way to go, Steve! Sam L is the newest Closer! You may not want to forget this name because you will be reading about him in future News & Views. DM John S was out with a new Dealer and sold SEVEN contracts! New Dealer Kirk S wrote a Model 412, a pair of Model 58 panels and an LED-40 Combo. Kirk studied his presentation and paid close attention during his field training. RM Jim B said, "I am really proud of Kirk and the effort he put into learning our business of signtronix advertising. He is a great person, a hard worker and he is not afraid to work." Jim sold a Model 326 to a Hair Salon and a Model 612 with two Tri-Color EMC's, but the news keeps getting better in Kansas City! Miguel O topped everyone today selling two stock RGB displays, a Model 312 and a Model 28! That was good news except Miguel was not done. He wrote another contract back-to-back with FOUR more signs.

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